Karate 日本の空手
Myint Kywe 先生
(Myoma Myint Kywe)
Chief Instructor of Soshiki Karate since 1978
Soshiki Karate School
組織空手 Soshiki Karate クラブのチーフインストラクター
組織空手 Soshiki Karate クラブのチーフインストラクター
(松濤館 空手 style)
started Karate martial arts training in 1970 when I was 10 years old.
enjoy karate whether I'm teaching it or learning it.
done a lot for me effectively and I've seen what it's done for so many others
as well. …”.."I have been actively training for over 45 years. I have been
teaching karate since 1978. I am the chief instructor of Soshiki karate Club (松濤館流) since 1978. All my pupils always call me
"Master"..."Professor "... "先生"... "Shihan"..."อาจารย์ "
However, I am always a
senior (先輩) student in karate.
I have to keep moving forward.
Karate martial art is very wide and deep.
I have to keep moving forward.
Karate martial art is very wide and deep.
will always be an important part of my life. "
それは私のために効果的に多くを行っていると私はそれは同様に他の多くの人々のために行わているものを見てきました。「私は積極的に45年以上にわたって訓練されてきた。私は1978年以来、Soshiki空手クラブ(松濤館流)のチーフインストラクターだ1978年以来空手を教えています。すべての私の生徒は常に "マスター" ...
"教授" ... "先生" ...
空手はいつも私の人生の重要な一部となります。 "
Good policy in the counter-attack and combat
Love is better than fighting
Tolerance is better than fighting
Friendship is better than fighting
Forgiveness is better than fighting
Smile is better than fighting
Humility is better than fighting
Peace is better than fighting
Kindness is better than fighting
Compromise is better than fighting
Fighting is better than surrender
Counter attack is better than surrender
Love is better than fighting
Tolerance is better than fighting
Friendship is better than fighting
Forgiveness is better than fighting
Smile is better than fighting
Humility is better than fighting
Peace is better than fighting
Kindness is better than fighting
Compromise is better than fighting
Fighting is better than surrender
Counter attack is better than surrender
The value of karate
Karate: can fit fresh and healthy
Karate: protect from any attack of the enemy
counter attack from any attack of the enemy
Karate: rescue from a dangerous situation
Karate: rescue from a dangerous situation
Karate: the beginning and end with courtesy
Karate: the beginning and end with honesty
Karate: maintain the discipline and humility
Karate: maintain the purity of mind and good moral
Karate: will be able to improve the self-confidence
Karate: the beginning and end with honesty
Karate: maintain the discipline and humility
Karate: maintain the purity of mind and good moral
Karate: will be able to improve the self-confidence
“Forgiveness is the best”
“Tolerance is the best” 許容範囲は最高です
Shuseki Shihan 歴代最高師範・首席師範
J.K.A (日本空手協会)
![]() |
Masaaki Ueki 植木政明(2010年 - ) |
Famous 16 students of 船越義珍と創業者首席師範 Master Gichin Funakoshi
Hironori Otsuka 先生
Gigo Funakoshi 先生
Isao Obata 先生
Shigeru Egami 先生
Masatoshi Nakayama 先生
Tetsuhiko Asai 先生
Yasuhiro Konishi 先生
Hidetaka Nishiyama 先生
Tsutomu Ohshima 先生
Taiji Kase 先生
Mitsusuke Harada 先生
Hirokazu Kanazawa 先生
Teruyuki Okazaki 先生
Won Kuk Lee 이원국 先生
Choi Hong Hi 최홍희 先生
Matsutasu Oyama 先生
Famous students of Master
Masatoshi Nakayama 中山正敏最初首席師範
Okazaki 先生
Kanazawa 先生
Asai 先生
Mikami 先生
Enoeda 先生
Abe 先生
Ueki 先生
Osaka 先生
Tanaka 先生
Imura 先生
Toshihiro Mori 先生
彼らは彼らの一生の間に多くの学生を教えていた。This list is incomplete. Other famous students and instructors left in the lists above. I apology if I can't mention all students completely. They had taught large number of students in their lifetime.
Karate Do mean is "Empty hand way."
Art of unarmed combat. Kara is "empty," te is “hand” signifies the need to empty the ego of fear,
envy, ambition, and other distracting attachments. Karate is “empty hand.”
of Chinese martial arts can be traced to the Xia
Dynasty (夏朝) which existed more
than 4000 years ago. Their origin is attributed to self-defense needs, hunting
activities and military training in ancient China. Hand-to-hand combat and
weapons practice were important components in the training of Chinese soldiers.
this beginning, Chinese martial arts proceeded to incorporate different
philosophies and ideas into its practice—expanding its purpose from
self-defense to health maintenance and finally as method of self-cultivation.
Conversely, the influence of martial arts ideals in civilian society can be
found in poetry, fiction, and eventually film. Chinese martial arts are now an
integral element of Chinese culture.
to tradition, the Yellow Emperor (皇帝, Huang-Ti (Huang Di), traditional date of ascension to the throne
2698 BC) introduced the earliest forms of martial arts to China. The Yellow
Emperor is described as a famous general who, before becoming China’s leader,
wrote lengthy treatises on medicine, astrology and the martial arts. He
allegedly developed the practice of jiao di or horn-butting and utilized it in
The Shaolin style of wushu is regarded as amongst the first
institutionalized Chinese martial arts.
monks to justify it by creating new Buddhist lore, the earliest appearance of
the frequently cited legend concerns Bodhidharma's supposed foundation of Shaolin
Kung Fu dates to this period. The origin of this legend has been traced to the Ming
period's Yijin Jing or "Muscle Change Classic", a text written in
1624 attributed to Bodhidharma.
Bodhidharma AD 520, son of King Sugundha of India trained in martial arts. Despite royal lineage
and gaining the respect of the warrior caste, Bodhidharma chose the life of
priesthood and traveled afar. His journey included passing the Himalayan
Mountains on foot to reach a Shaolin monastery on the Sonshan Mountain in the
Honan Province of northern China. Bodhidarma is credited with introducing the
Shaolin monks to training their bodies with 18 conditioning exercise. He
is known as "Daruma" in Japan and as often as not,
this Indian Buddhist monk is cited as the prime source for all martial arts
styles or at the vary least, for any style which traces its roots back to the
fabled Shaolin Temple.
However, the question of his contributions to
the martial arts and to Zen Buddhism and
even of his very existence has been a matter of controversy among historians
and martial arts scholars for many years.
Bodhidharma was a Buddhist monk who
lived during the 5th/6th century and is traditionally credited as the
transmitter of Zen (Chinese: Chán, Sanskrit:
Dhyāna) to China. He is the patron saint
of the Shaolin Monastery, and is attributed to, in Chinese legends, to have
begun the physical training of the monks that later turned into Kung Fu.
As legend has it, the evolution of karate began over a thousand years ago, possibly as early as the fifth century when Bodhidharma arrived in Shaolin-si (small forest temple), China from India and taught Zen Buddhism. He also introduced a systematized set of exercises designed to strengthen the mind and body, exercises which allegedly marked the beginning of the Shaolin style of temple boxing. Bodhidharma's teachings later became the basis for the majority of Chinese martial arts. In truth, the origins of karate appear to be somewhat obscure and little is known about the early development of karate until it appeared in Okinawa.
This training is the predecessor to Shaolin temple boxing, called "Eighteen Hands of Lo-Han." In addition, Bodhidharma brought Buddhism religion and philosophy to the monks. This evolved into the Ch'an philosophies, known as Zen.
Almost every karateka knows Funakoshi Gichin's famous "golden rule": "Karate ni sente nashi" (空手に先手なし)- there is no first "attack" in karate (空手決して最初の攻撃). ("sente" literally means "initiative" - in this case "aggressive initiative").
Shaolin temple monks were respected as exceptional fighters for many hundred years. This
is the historical birthplace for kung fu. As centuries passed, Budhidharma's 18
excercies grew to 72 under Kwok Yuen who entered the temple in 1589. Kwok Yuen
further expanded the temple forms when he explored his country in search of new
kung fu instructors for the temple. His efforts led to 170 movements and five
styles known as tiger, crane, leopard, snake, and dragon.
is the spiritual goal of Zen Buddhism. It is a key concept in Zen. As long as
there is Satori, then Zen will continue to exist in the world. Satori roughly
translates into individual Enlightenment, or a flash of sudden awareness.
Satori is as well an intuitive experience.
The feeling of Satori is that of infinite space. A brief experience of Enlightenment is sometimes called Kensho. Semantically, Kensho and Satori have virtually the same meaning and are often used interchangeably. In describing the Enlightenment of the Patriarchs, however, it is customary to use the word Satori rather than Kensho, the term Satori implying a deeper experience.
The feeling of Satori is that of infinite space. A brief experience of Enlightenment is sometimes called Kensho. Semantically, Kensho and Satori have virtually the same meaning and are often used interchangeably. In describing the Enlightenment of the Patriarchs, however, it is customary to use the word Satori rather than Kensho, the term Satori implying a deeper experience.
A story of Zen Buddhism
Two monks were returning to the monastery in the evening. It had rained and there were puddles of water on the road sides. At one place a beautiful young woman was standing unable to walk across because of a puddle of water. The elder of the two monks went up to a her lifted her in his alms and left her on the other side of the road, and continued his way to the monastery.
In the evening the younger monk came to the elder monk and said, "Sir, as monks, we cannot touch a woman?"
The elder monk answered "yes, brother ".
Then the younger monk asks again, " but then Sir, how is that you lifted that woman on the roadside?" The elder monk smiled at him and told him “I left her on the other side of the road, but you are still carrying her”
your meditation practice. Find a quiet place, then, focus your mind on the
present moment. Don't think of other things, but sit in silence. Begin with
ten minutes and meditate daily. Be aware of your thoughts, but be willing to
release them and stop thinking about or focusing on them. Mindfulness is part
of the eightfold path of Buddhism and can be a key part of meditation.
you’re living in the past, you can’t do anything about it, it’s gone. If you’re
worrying about the future, you’re living somewhere that doesn’t exist. It
hasn’t happened yet. If you want to change your life, the only place you can do
it is in the present. But first you need to accept life as it is. When it
comes down to it your
mind is the only thing keeping you from living in the present.
By focusing your mind and keeping everything present,
you’ll see things in a whole new light, feel more optimistic,…
does it mean to live fully in the present moment? It means that your awareness
is completely centered on the here and now. You are not worrying about the
future or thinking about the past. When you live in the present, you are living
where life is happening. The past and future are illusions, they don’t exist.
As the saying goes “tomorrow never comes”.
is always waiting to come around the corner, but around that corner are
shadows, never to have light shed upon, because time is always now.
your mind in present! 存在下であなたの心を集中!
Present time or today is most important. Everyday is
today. Yesterday was finished. Yesterday had been finished. Tomorrow is never
comes. BUT you do good things only, abstain from all evil and maintain purify
the mind.
philosophy has played an important role in the evolution of karate do from a
brutal fighting system to a method of personal development. This process of
spiritual refinement has characterized the transition of many forms of bujutsu
(martial arts) to budo (martial ways), and it is reflected by the modern use of
a homonymic kanji to write karate as "empty hand."
Karatedo Kyohan, Master Funakoshi describes the concept of emptiness in terms
that evoke Zen attitudes: “... Just as it is the clear mirror that reflects
without distortion, or the quiet valley that echoes a sound, so must one who
would study Karate do purge himself of selfish or evil thoughts, for only with
a clear mind and conscience can he understand that which he receives."
Military commander Sun Tzu (544 BC- 496 BC)
said: “To fight and conquer in one hundred battles is not the highest
skill. To subdue the enemy with no fight at all, that's the highest skill....”
A list of 20 precepts of Funakoshi
Never forget that karate begins and ends with respect.
There is no first attack in karate.
Karate fosters righteousness.
First know yourself and then know others.
Rather than physical technique, mental technique.
Let your mind roam freely.
Inattention and neglect causes misfortune.
Never think that karate is practiced only in the dojo.
Karate is a life long pursuit.
Everything you encounter is an aspect of karate: find the marvelous truth there.
Karate is like boiling water: if you do not keep the flame high, it turns tepid.
Do not think about winning; think about not losing.
Respond in accordance to your opponent.
Wage the battle with natural strategy.
Regard your hands and feet as sharp swords.
Step out the door and you face 10,000 foes.
Learn various stances as a beginner but then rely on a natural posture.
The kata must always be practiced correctly: real combat is another matter.
Never forget your own strengths and weakness, the limitations of your body, and the relative quality of your techniques.
Continuously polish your mind.
“To search for the old is to understand the new.
The old, the new
This is a matter of time.
In all things man must have a clear mind.
The Way:
Who will pass it on straight and well? “
The old, the new
This is a matter of time.
In all things man must have a clear mind.
The Way:
Who will pass it on straight and well? “
(The above is a Poem
by Master Funakoshi Gichin.)
of Funakoshi Gichin about Karate
does not make the man, the man makes art"
the man, techniques become art"
and technique are to become one in true karate"
who follow Karate-Do will develop courage and fortitude"
courtesy, the essence of Karate-Do is lost"
the Karate-Do student, the most shameful trait is indecisiveness"
a time of grave public crisis, one must have the courage, if required for the
sake of justice, to face a million and one opponents"
through Karate-Do is life itself, public and private"
is not merely a sport that teaches how to strike and kick; it is also a defense
against illness and disease.
correct understanding of karate and its proper use is Karate-Do. One who truly
trains in this Do and actually understands Karate-Do is never easily drawn into
a fight.
is just like hot water. If you do not give heat constantly, it will again
become cold water!
may train for a long, long time, but if you merely move your hands and feet and
jump up and down like a puppet, learning karate is not very much different from
learning to dance. You will never have reached the heart of the matter; you
will have failed to grasp the quintessence of Karate-Do.
you have been taught by listening to others' words, you will forget quickly;
what you have learned with your whole body, you will remember for the rest of
your life!
begins and ends with courtesy!
become a victor, one must first overcome himself!
are no offensive techniques in Karate!
first purpose in pursuing this art is the nurturing of a sublime spirit, a
spirit of humility.
a mirror's polished surface reflects whatever stands before it, and a quiet
valley carries even small sounds, so must the student of Karate render his mind
empty of selfishness and wickedness in an effort to react appropriately to
anything he might encounter. This is the meaning of Kara or "empty"
in Karate.
ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of
the character of its participants.
In Karate
this is no first attack!
yourself before you attempt to control others!
is an aid to justice!
first, Technique second!
be ready to release your mind!
arise from negligence!
not think that Karate training occurs only in the Dojo!
takes an entire life time to learn Karate!
your everyday living into Karate and you will find the secret!
think about winning; think about not losing!
depends on your ability to distinguish vulnerable points from invulnerable
battle unfolds according to how you move guarded and unguarded!
you leave home, envision numerous opponents waiting for you!
of your hands and feet as swords!
must master low stances and postures; natural body
positions are
for the advanced!
kata is one thing; engaging in a real fight is another!
ways to live the precepts every day!
not forget to correctly learn the strengths and weaknesses of power; the
stretching and contraction of the body, and the slowness and speed of
takes ten or twenty years to acquire the virtues of:
Courage, Courtesy, Integrity, Humility, And Self-control to guide one's daily actions!
Courage, Courtesy, Integrity, Humility, And Self-control to guide one's daily actions!
the front fist to block and the rear fist to destroy!
stand still is to regress; those who think they have learned everything and
become conceited braggarts proclaiming their own merits after learning the
movements of some kata and acquiring dexterity in their physical movements are
not fit to be considered as serious trainees in the martial arts!
Karate-Do is followed correctly, it will polish the character, and one will
uphold justice, but if used for evil purposes, it will corrupt society and be
contrary to humanity!
Masters and saints may appear as simpletons
if they do not radiate dignity without ferocity. If they act recklessly to no
purpose and cause trouble for others, they are declaring to the world that they
are only novice scholars or martial artists!
The high-spirited youth in the prime of life
is prone to rash speech and action, so prudence is essential!
Modern Karate originated in Okinawa, formerly known as the Ryūkyū Kingdom,
but now a part of present-day Japan. Karate is a fusion of pre-existing
Okinawan martial arts, called "te",
and Chinese martial arts. It is an art that has been
adopted and developed by the Honshu.
Karate's route to Honshu began with Gichin
Funakoshi (船越 義珍 Funakoshi Gichin,
1868–1957), who is called the father of modern karate, and is the founder of
Shotokan karate. Gichin Funakoshi was born in 1868 in Cho Shuri, the old
capital city of the island of Okinawa. He was born prematurely and was a
sickly baby. The doctors said be would not live very long.
He receives a traditional Samurai education
from his maternal grandparents who belong to the Shizoku class (a Samurai
class). In 1871 he goes to primary school and
clearly loves fighting with other boys. One of his classmates is Yasutsume Azato whose father is Master Azato,
a karate expert.
With his grandfather’s help, Gichin becomes Master Azato’s pupil.
Even though the symbol adopted by Shotokan
karate is the tiger, there is no direct link to the tiger style kung fu as the
shotokan tiger was drawn by a friend of Ginchin Funakoshi. His friend, Hoan
Kusug, called Funakoshi's text, Karate-do Kyohan, a Tora no Maki meaning
"a Scroll of the Master Text."
The word Tora also means "tiger."
In his adolescent years, Gichin enrolls in
medical school by falsifying his date of birth but the Meiji government does
not allow him to attend the school because of the way he wears his hair and
because he belongs to such a traditional family. At the age of 21 he decides to
cut his hair and becomes a teacher to many primary schoolchildren, going
against his parents’ wishes. His career progresses rapidly but he never
abandons his training and runs many kilometres every day. By day he is a
schoolteacher in Naha and at night he trains under the guidance of Master Azato.
These are times in which one has to hide the
fact that he is training. He practices kata which is considered to be the
fundamental element of the pedagogical method. Every night Gichin Funakoshi
practises kata as he did the day before, and the day before that, as he will
the day after, just as he has been for a long time… And it is always the same
kata, until “Master Azato is satisfied with his mastery”. Funakoshi tells that
he was often exhausted and could hardly see the torch light, just waiting to
hear the Master’s judgement which could either be “do it again” or “good”.
Funakoshi becomes Sensei
in Japan
without ever forgetting the virtues of kata. He loves to repeat: “Hito Kata San Nen”, three years for one kata.
Funakoshi and Azato do not speak very much, they communicate non-verbally.
Karate do was practiced largely in secret until its introduction in the public
schools of Okinawa by Itosu and his students in 1902. One of these students,
Gichin Funakoshi, brought karatedo to Japan in 1922, and since then it has
spread throughout the world in many different styles (ryu).
My Great Teacher Masatoshi Nakayama (中山 正敏 Nakayama Masatoshi, April 13, 1913 – April
15, 1987) was an internationally-renowned Japanese master of Shotokan karate.
He helped establish the Japan Karate Association
in 1949, and wrote many textbooks on karate, which served to popularize his
martial art. For almost 40 years, until his death in
1987, Nakayama worked to spread Shotokan karate around the world. He
was the first master in Shotokan history to attain the rank of 9th dan while alive, and was posthumously awarded
the rank of 10th dan. He was a Chief
Instructor of J.K.A.
He said: “Japanese martial arts refer to the enormous variety of martial arts native
to Japan. At least three Japanese terms are often used interchangeably with the
English phrase "Japanese martial arts":
"budō", literally meaning
"martial way", "bujutsu" (武術),
which has no perfect translation but means something like science, art, or
craft of war, and "bugei" (武芸),
literally meaning "martial art." The term "budō" is a
modern one, and is normally intended to indicate the practice of martial arts
as a way of life, and encompassing physical, spiritual, and moral dimensions
with a focus of self-improvement, fulfillment, or personal growth.”
Karate can also be described as a martial art, or fighting
method, involving a variety of techniques, including blocks, strikes, evasions, throws, and joint
manipulations. Karate practice is divided into three aspects:
Kihon (基本, きほん basics),
Kata (形,型 forms or
patterns of moves),
and Kumite ( 組手 sparring).
We all karate practitioners must not be poisoned by the seven poisons such as:
greed, anger, hatred, stupidity, conceit, jealousy and malice. We must do to
cultivate the power of courage by strengthening our mind and body and
overcoming any difficulties in our life. We all instructors and students
abstain from all evil, committing murder, suicide, stealing, lying, betraying,
sexual misconduct, adultery, polygamy, homosexuality and intoxicants.
Karate is a striking art using
punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open hand techniques
such as knife-hands, spear-hands, and palm-heel strikes. In some styles, grappling,
throws, joint locks, restraints, and vital point strikes
are also taught.
A karate practitioner is called a
must adhere to the traditional values and principles of karate. It must be
realistic in blocking and fighting terms and display concentration, power, and
potential impact in its techniques. It must demonstrate strength, power, and
speed — as well as grace, rhythm, and balance. It must be performed with
competence and a clear understanding of the techniques. We need to understand such as good timing, rhythm, speed, balance, and focus of
power (KIME).
Do you know vital Karate and valuable
1. Know yourself and know
your enemy.
2. Weak Point of enemy and Strong Point of enemy.
3. Short method and Long method
4. Normal power and Explosive power
5. Near enemy and Far enemy
6. Visible enemy and Invisible enemy
7. Dangerous enemy and Most dangerous enemy
8. Normal situation and Serious situation
9. Mono response and Double response
10. Blocking and Attacking
11.Phenomenon and Essence
12. Control power and Non Control power
13.Normal power and Maximum power
14.Tactics and Strategy
15.Penetrate method and Encirclement method
16.Soft method and Stormy method
17.One by one method and Method for plentiful enemy
18.Feint method and Open method
19.Enemy at morning and Enemy at night
20.Without weapon enemy and Weapon in hand enemy
21.Body constriction and Body extension
22.Relaxation and Tension
23.100%Tolerance and 100%Fight to enemy
24.Minimum explosive power and Maximum explosive power
2. Weak Point of enemy and Strong Point of enemy.
3. Short method and Long method
4. Normal power and Explosive power
5. Near enemy and Far enemy
6. Visible enemy and Invisible enemy
7. Dangerous enemy and Most dangerous enemy
8. Normal situation and Serious situation
9. Mono response and Double response
10. Blocking and Attacking
11.Phenomenon and Essence
12. Control power and Non Control power
13.Normal power and Maximum power
14.Tactics and Strategy
15.Penetrate method and Encirclement method
16.Soft method and Stormy method
17.One by one method and Method for plentiful enemy
18.Feint method and Open method
19.Enemy at morning and Enemy at night
20.Without weapon enemy and Weapon in hand enemy
21.Body constriction and Body extension
22.Relaxation and Tension
23.100%Tolerance and 100%Fight to enemy
24.Minimum explosive power and Maximum explosive power
Topics for powerful Karate Training
8.Self Confidence
9.Self Control
8.Self Confidence
9.Self Control
10.Self Defence
11.Self Security
12.Self Protection
11.Self Security
12.Self Protection
I know Karate
is better than fighting
2.Tolerance is better than fighting
3.Friendship is better than fighting
4.Forgiveness is better than fighting
5.Smile is better than fighting
6.Humility is better than fighting
7.Peace is better than fighting
8.Kindness is better than fighting
9.Compromise is better than fighting
10.Fighting is better than surrender
2.Tolerance is better than fighting
3.Friendship is better than fighting
4.Forgiveness is better than fighting
5.Smile is better than fighting
6.Humility is better than fighting
7.Peace is better than fighting
8.Kindness is better than fighting
9.Compromise is better than fighting
10.Fighting is better than surrender
Self-control is one of the most
important life skills that Karate Martial Arts teaches you. In fact,
self-control is the key attribute that helps you develop self-discipline, which
is essential to reach your goals. Self discipline is also one of the keys to
excellence in karate martial arts.
私は1978年以来、私の組織 空手 Soshiki karateで私の生徒を教えています。
I have been teaching my students at my 組織 空手 Soshiki Karate since
1978. 組織 Soshiki meaning is: System and organization (の意味:システムを、組織).
My 18 Curriculum (the syllabus) are -
許し Forgiveness,
勇気 Courage
忍耐 (我慢) Patience ,
空手の専門家 Expert in Karate,
勇気 Courage
忍耐 (我慢) Patience ,
空手の専門家 Expert in Karate,
強力な攻撃 Powerful attack,
精神的な電源開発 Mental power development,
物理的な電源開発 Physical power development,
戦闘訓練 Combat training,
自信 Self-confidence,
自信 Self-confidence,
愛情のこもった優しさ Loving-kindness,
自立 Self reliance ,
インテリジェンス Intelligence,
実習 , 練習
システマティック(組織)空手 systematic
正直 Honesty,
謙虚 Humility,
礼儀正しさ Politeness,
セルフコントロール Self control.
must always maintain respect to others.
must always keep trying based on optimism.
not arrogant.
Do not bully to other.
Do not bully to other.
Do not surrender.
Do not surrender.
It must follow the teachings of his father.
It must follow the teachings of his father.
It must follow the teaching of his mother.
It must follow the teaching of his mother.
It must follow his teacher.
It must follow his teacher.
Purify the mind.
Purify the mind.
from all evil.
Be brave.
Be brave.
Be honest.
Be honest.
Be tolerant.
Be tolerant.
Be patient.
Be patient.
the many books.
practice in karate.
システム 組織 空手 Soshiki Karate
Choku Zuki (Straight punch), Jodan
Zuki (Face area punch), Chudan Zuki (Chest area punch), Gedan Zuki (Lower area
punch), Oi Zuki (Lunge punch), Gyaku Zuki (Reverse punch), Kizami Zuki (Jab
punch), Ura Zuki (short punch), Kagi Zuki (hook punch), Zenkutsu Dachi (Front
Stance), Kokutsu Dachi (Back Stance),
Kiba Dachi (Horse riding Stance),Musubi Dachi (ready stance), Hachiji Dachi (Natural stance), Gedan Berai (Lower Block), Jodan Uke (Face area Block),
Chudan Uchi Uke (chest area inside block), Soto Uke (chest area outside block), Haishu Uke (back hand block), Morote Uke (augmented block),Otoshi (dropping block), Shuto Uke (knife hand block), Juji Uke (arms crossed block), Shokoko Bo Uke (Tiger mouth block), Mae Geri (front kick), Hiza Geri (knee kick), Yoko Keage Geri (Side snap kick), Yoko Kekomi Geri (Side thrust kick), Tobi Geri (Jump kick),
Ni Geri (Double kick), Mawashi Geri (roundhouse kick), Fumikomi (stamp kick),
Ushiro Geri (Back kick), Mikazuki Geri (crescent kick), Ashi Barai (Leg sweep),
Kihon (Basics),Kata (Formal exercises), Kumite (sparring), Ippon Kumite (One step sparring), Nibon kumite (two step sparring), Sambon Kumite (three step sparring), Jiyu Kumite (free sparring), Dojo (Training Hall), Sensei (Teacher), Sempai (Senior Student), Gi (Uniform), Kiai (Yell or shout),Kime (focus), Obi (Belt), Mokuso (meditation), Ashi (foot), Tetsui (Hammer fist strike), Uchi (striking),Nukite (spear hand), Rei (Bow), Hajime (Begin), Yame (stop), Karate (Empty hand), Yoi (Ready position).
Kiba Dachi (Horse riding Stance),Musubi Dachi (ready stance), Hachiji Dachi (Natural stance), Gedan Berai (Lower Block), Jodan Uke (Face area Block),
Chudan Uchi Uke (chest area inside block), Soto Uke (chest area outside block), Haishu Uke (back hand block), Morote Uke (augmented block),Otoshi (dropping block), Shuto Uke (knife hand block), Juji Uke (arms crossed block), Shokoko Bo Uke (Tiger mouth block), Mae Geri (front kick), Hiza Geri (knee kick), Yoko Keage Geri (Side snap kick), Yoko Kekomi Geri (Side thrust kick), Tobi Geri (Jump kick),
Ni Geri (Double kick), Mawashi Geri (roundhouse kick), Fumikomi (stamp kick),
Ushiro Geri (Back kick), Mikazuki Geri (crescent kick), Ashi Barai (Leg sweep),
Kihon (Basics),Kata (Formal exercises), Kumite (sparring), Ippon Kumite (One step sparring), Nibon kumite (two step sparring), Sambon Kumite (three step sparring), Jiyu Kumite (free sparring), Dojo (Training Hall), Sensei (Teacher), Sempai (Senior Student), Gi (Uniform), Kiai (Yell or shout),Kime (focus), Obi (Belt), Mokuso (meditation), Ashi (foot), Tetsui (Hammer fist strike), Uchi (striking),Nukite (spear hand), Rei (Bow), Hajime (Begin), Yame (stop), Karate (Empty hand), Yoi (Ready position).
Karate is essential!
1.For clear blood vessel, vein and nerve the whole of body
2.For relaxation the whole of body and mind Relieves for any fever and any pain
3.For good blood circulation
4.For release any tension and any crisis
5.Refill energy for good healthy
to fats
7.For happy and peace
8.For expert with systematic method
9.For purification of mind
10.For self defence
11.For moral ethic
12.For physical development
13.For mental development
14.For social culture and manners
15.For special protection
16.For forgiveness
17.For mind control
18.For loving kindness
19.For prevention about cancer and paralytic stroke.
20.For prevention about hypertension, etc.
7.For happy and peace
8.For expert with systematic method
9.For purification of mind
10.For self defence
11.For moral ethic
12.For physical development
13.For mental development
14.For social culture and manners
15.For special protection
16.For forgiveness
17.For mind control
18.For loving kindness
19.For prevention about cancer and paralytic stroke.
20.For prevention about hypertension, etc.
Why you should learn karate?
Karate is not about violence: It's
about self-defence (self protection), health and sport.
Karate is suitable for men, women,
adults, teenagers, children, and all ages from ages 4 to 75. Karate relaxes the body and mind.
Karate is a good family activity as
well as a good personal activity.
There is no first attack to other in
Karate stands on the side of
Make response just need a small
adjustments according to your opponent.
In Karate,
there is a ranking system which lets people know where they stand. Karate
doesn't have to be militaristic to the point it was originally intended (after
all it is a martial art developed to defend ones' life) but these values are
exercise with help you have good health and happy. Karate instructors have
learned that doing exercise also helps the mind. An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cure.
This means that if you do things to keep up
healthy, we will not have to spend a lot of time and money in doctor’s clinic
and in Hospitals. We will also have a good feeling about ourselves when we have
peace, healthy and happy.
We can be better prepared by ourselves for
escape, for any attack from any enemy and danger. Japanese Karate (self
defence) martial art is very famous in the World. Karate training is self
Although karate called men’s game, it is also
played by ladies. It is a very quick and strong game. It demands a lot of skill
and stamina. It can be played indoors as well as outdoors.
Practice makes perfect. As we play karate
regularly, we improve our skill. I gain a lot of benefits from playing karate.
I become more fit and a lot healthier. I can work for hours without getting
tired. I also teach good discipline and manners. I am glad to have chosen Karate
as my most favourite self defensive martial art.
All students should play games at school, at
part of their school life. Good health is the foundation of an active and happy
life. Good health is the most essential quality of a student. Someone must
acquire knowledge while he is young. This knowledge will lead him to success
and happiness. To do all these things with zeal and ardour, he must be in good
health so all people used to say that health is wealth.
students and all people must know the value of good health. Health is more
valuable and more important than wealth. If students are unhealthy, they can’t
go to the school and they can’t study their lessons. If workers are unhealthy,
they can’t go to the factory and they can’t do their work.
A sick person can’t
enjoy life. He will be a burden to himself and his family. We usually
understand the value of health when we lost it. So we must do physical
exercises, Judo, Karate and boxing, etc exercises will fit, fresh and healthy
for all these reasons, students should strive to train to have good health
including karate sport. All students should play karate (or) any sports and any
martial arts at school as part of their school life.
I am interested in
many sports. But the sport I like
best is playing Karate.
Karate will always be a part of my life.
“Health education is essential for everyone”.
“Karate self defence training is essential for everyone”.
“Karate begins and ends with courtesy, loving kindness, humility and tolerance.”
“Karate self defence training is essential for everyone”.
“Karate begins and ends with courtesy, loving kindness, humility and tolerance.”
karate is
this: that in daily life one's mind and body be trained and developed in a
spirit of humility, and that in critical times, one be stand up in the truth to
the cause of justice.