(空手) ကရာေတး
Myint Kywe 先生
ဆိုရွိကိ ကရာေတးအသင္း နည္းျပခ်ဳပ္
ဦးျမင့္ၾကြယ္ ( ၿမိဳ ႔မ ျမင့္ၾကြယ္ )
Soshiki Karate School
組織空手 Soshiki Karate クラブのチーフインストラクター
組織空手 Soshiki Karate クラブのチーフインストラクター
(松濤館 空手 style)
Karate can also be described as a martial art, or fighting method, involving a variety of techniques, including blocks, strikes, evasions (dodge), throws, kicks, punches, and joint manipulations (Joint breaking).
Karate practice is divided into three aspects: Kihon (基本, きほん basics), Kata (形,型 forms or patterns of moves), and Kumite ( 組手 sparring).
The word karate
is a combination of two Japanese characters: Kara,
meaning empty, and Te, meaning hand;
thus, karate means "empty hand."
Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practices, which are practiced for a variety of reasons: self-defense, competition, physical health and fitness, entertainment, as well as mental, physical, and spiritual development.
is one of the most important life skills that Karate Martial Arts teaches you.
In fact, self-control is the key attribute that helps you develop
self-discipline, which is essential to reach your goals. Self discipline is also one of the keys to excellence in
karate martial arts.
Basic Ethical Principles of My Soshiki Karate
We all karate practitioners must NOT BE
poisoned by the seven poisons such as: greed, anger, hatred, stupidity,
conceit, jealousy and malice. We must do to cultivate the power of courage by
strengthening our mind and body and overcoming any difficulties in our life. We
all instructors and students should ABSTAIN from all evil, committing murder, suicide,
stealing, lying, betraying, sexual misconduct, adultery, polygamy, homosexuality and bullying.
I think each of everyone
has ups and downs, happy and sorry, wins and lose, loves and hate in their
lives. You practice how to be honest to yourself and to be honest to others. You study how to be
humble to yourself and to be humble to others. How to reduce hatred and how to stop
the hatred? How to reduce anger quickly? How to control your mind? How to stop
arrogance and belligerence?
The essence of karate is to
be humble and not to be arrogant….
The essence of karate is to
be humble and not to be belligerent ….
(A belligerent is an individual, group, or other entity that acts in a hostile manner, such as engaging in combat. Belligerent comes from literally meaning "one who wages bully war".)
(A belligerent is an individual, group, or other entity that acts in a hostile manner, such as engaging in combat. Belligerent comes from literally meaning "one who wages bully war".)
martial arts philosophy, or at least the traditional karate philosophy, is
called the ethics of karate. We need to be PATIENT. We need to be HUMBLE. We need to be FORGIVENESS.
Patience is the best part of
human nature.
is a virtue.
Patience has
its limits. Take it too far, and it is cowardice.
the best part of human nature.
is a virtue.
can hate (fight back) to your enemies if you cannot forgive them, BUT you
don't use your counter attack deadly force on him/ them. You
don't destroy their lives.
want to protect yourself in cases like these. It's only natural. But you should
know about the legal limits on self-defense.
laws on self-defense vary from one
event to another event, but in general you're allowed to use reasonable physical
force to protect yourself from imminent
or immediate physical injury. You can only use that amount of force
that's necessary to stop the threat of harm.
do NOT use deadly force.
other person lunges at you or tries to punch you, kick you, you can protect (counter
attack) yourself by fighting back. If you fight back and the other person
gives up or is unable to defend himself, you do NOT continue to hit him
- it's an unreasonable
use of force.
the other person doesn't come close enough to you to actually hit you and he
doesn't have a weapon and he starts to walk away, you can't chase after him and
hit him - the threat of harm to you isn't imminent.
are very simple examples and very general rules. The facts and
circumstances of each case and the laws in your country will determine if you
acted properly in defending yourself.
keys to remember are: You can use only that amount of force that's necessary
to protect yourself from immediate harm.
Shuseki Shihan 歴代最高師範・首席師範
J.K.A (日本空手協会)
Sugiura HatsuKyuji
杉浦初久二(1991年 -2010年)

Masaaki Ueki
植木政明(2010年 - )
Famous 16 students of 船越義珍と創業者首席師範 Master Gichin Funakoshi
Remark: このリストは不完全です。
彼らは彼らの一生の間に多くの学生を教えていた。This list is incomplete. Other famous students and instructors left in the lists above. I apology if I can't mention all students completely. They had taught large number of students in their lifetime.
Hironori Ōtsuka 大塚 博紀 先生,
Gigō Funakoshi 船越義豪先生,
Isao Obata 小畑 功先生,
Shigeru Egami 江上 茂 先生,
Masatoshi Nakayama 中山 正敏先生,
Tetsuhiko Asai 浅井 哲彦先生,
Yasuhiro Konishi 小西康裕先生,
Hidetaka Nishiyama 西山 英峻 先生,
Tsutomu Ohshima 大島 劼先生,
Taiji Kase 加瀬 太地 先生,
Mitsusuke Harada 原田 満祐 先生,
Hirokazu Kanazawa 金澤 弘和 先生,
Teruyuki Okazaki 岡崎 照幸 先生,
Won Kuk Lee 이원국 先生,
Choi Hong Hi 최홍희 先生,
Famous students of Master
Masatoshi Nakayama 中山正敏最初首席師範
Okazaki 岡崎照幸先生,
Kanazawa 金澤 弘和先生,
Asai 浅井 哲彦先生,
Mikami 三上 孝之先生,
Enoeda 榎枝 慶輔先生,
Abe 阿部 圭吾先生.
Ueki 植木 政明先生,
Osaka 義治大阪先生,
Tanaka 田中 昌彦先生,
Imura 井村 先生,
Toshihiro Mori 敏弘森先生,
Remark: このリストは不完全です。
彼らは彼らの一生の間に多くの学生を教えていた。This list is incomplete. Other famous students and instructors left in the lists above. I apology if I can't mention all students completely. They had taught large number of students in their lifetime.
The first connotation of Kara indicates that karate is a technique that permits one to defend himself with his bare hands and fists without weapons.
just as it is the clear mirror that reflects without distortion, or the quiet
valley that echoes a sound, so must one who would study Karate-do purge himself
of selfish and evil thoughts, for only with a clear mind and conscience can he
understand that which he receives. This is another meaning of the element kara
in Karate-do.
he who would study Karate-do must always strive to be inwardly humble and
outwardly gentle. However, once he has decided to stand up for the cause of
justice, then he must have the courage expressed in the saying, "Even if
it must be ten million foes, I go!"
he is like the green bamboo stalk: hollow (Kara) inside, straight, and with
knots, that is, unselfish, gentle, and moderate. This meaning is also contained
in the element kara of Karate-do.
in a fundamental way, the form of the universe is emptiness (kara), and, thus,
emptiness is form itself. There are many kinds of martial arts, judo, kendo,
sojitsu ("spear techniques"), bojitsu ("stick techniques"),
and others, but at a fundamental level all these arts rest on the same basis as
Karate-do. It is no exaggeration to say that the original sense of Karate-do is
at one with the basis of all martial arts. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form
itself. The kara of Karate-do has this meaning.
True karate is this: that in daily life one's mind and body be trained and developed in a spirit of humility, and that in critical times, one be devoted utterly to the cause of justice.

Karate (空手) is a martial art developed in the Ryukyu Islands in what is now Okinawa, Japan. It developed from the indigenous martial arts of Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa). Karate is a striking art using punching, kicking, knee strikes, elbow strikes and open hand techniques such as knife-hands, spear-hands, and palm-heel strikes. In some styles, grappling, throws, joint locks, restraints, and vital point strikes are also taught. A karate practitioner is called a karate-ka.
It must adhere to the traditional values and
principles of karate. It must be realistic in blocking and fighting terms and
display concentration, power, and potential impact in its techniques. It must
demonstrate strength, power, and speed — as well as grace, rhythm, and balance.
It must be performed with competence and a clear understanding of the
techniques. We need to understand such as good
timing, rhythm, speed, balance, and focus of power (KIME).
The principles of Karate
techniques are based on the design of the human body. For power the body
develops the larger, powerful muscles of the torso. The speed of the techniques
comes from the fast, agile muscles of the arms and legs. As students progress
in REAL Karate, they learn to coordinate this speed and power, and develop a
concentration to focus all of their body's strength into a small, hard striking
surface like the edge of the hand or the heel of a foot.
Karate is not just a physical activity.
Karate is the martial art that trains people physically and mentally.
In addition to physical fitness, Karate classes promote discipline, honor, self-control, respect, courtesy, perseverance and loyalty.
Karate training will improve your stamina, strength, speed and flexibility. Because of the intensity of the training karate will improve your overall fitness and body awareness. Karate training will strengthen and develop almost every muscle in your body. Through proper dedicated training you can expect to reduce your resting heart rate and feel healthier.
Karate is one of the oldest and most influential
styles of karate. Shotokan has many benefits. It helps to develop patience,
courage, self-confidence, self-control, strength, flexibility, calmness and
concentration. It is well known that Shotokan Karate is one of the most
powerful methods of self defense and physical fitness regimes available
anywhere and is an excellent, time-proven method of personal development.
Shotokan Karate training has been recognized
worldwide for producing physically powerful, sporting spirit, and highly focused human beings.
With its special emphasis on “Zanchin,” a Japanese word meaning “mental focus,”
and “Kime”, or the focusing of
physical power. Kime is a commonly used Japanese martial arts term. In karate it can mean
"power" and/or "focus," describing the instantaneous
tensing at the correct moment during a technique. Shotokan Karate has refined
the art of mental and physical concentration to the highest degree. As a result,
traditional karate students tend to experience significant improvements in
their physical fitness, self esteem and academic studies.
Funakoshi Gichin 最高師範
and his Shotokan style
Funakoshi Gichin was also the founder of what is now known as Shotokan karate
and J.K.A (日本 空手 協会 Japan Karate Association).
J.K.A is the very famous karate school in the world.

Master Gichin Funakoshi, founder of Shotokan karate, is generally credited with having introduced and popularized karate on the main islands of Japan. In addition many Okinawans were actively teaching, and are thus also responsible for the development of karate on the main islands.
Funakoshi was a student of both Asato Ankō and Itosu Ankō (who had worked to introduce karate to the Okinawa Prefectural School System in 1902). During this time period, prominent teachers who also influenced the spread of karate in Japan included Kenwa Mabuni, Chōjun Miyagi, Motobu Chōki, Kanken Tōyama, and Kanbun Uechi.
He always referred to what he taught as simply karate, but in 1936 he built a dojo in Tokyo and the style he left behind is usually called Shotokan after this dojo. Shotokan (松濤館) is the most famous style of karate, developed from various martial arts by Gichin Funakoshi (1868–1957) and his son Sensei Yoshitaka Funakoshi, also known as Giko.

Shotokan was the name of the first official
dojo built by Master Gichin Funakoshi, in 1936 at Mejiro, and destroyed in 1945 as a result of an allied bombing. Shoto (松濤 Shōtō), meaning
"pine-waves" (the movement of pine needles when the wind blows
through them), was Funakoshi's pen-name, which he used in his poetic and
philosophical writings and messages to his students. The Japanese kan (館
kan) means "house" or "hall". In honor of their sensei,
Funakoshi's students created a sign reading shōtō-kan, which they placed above
the entrance of the hall where Funakoshi taught.
There are a number of
great Shotokan karate teachers in the world today who are unique enough in their
own right to be referred to as, "modern masters".
Some of these
individuals were direct students of either Sensei Gichin Funakoshi, or of his
son Sensei Yoshitaka Funakoshi, others were not. However, that in no way
diminished their knowledge, their skill, or their right to be considered in the
same company as those who began their training at the original Shotokan dojo so
many years ago.
Today, however, most of
these sensei's have long since branched out and formed their own unique
organizations, yet they all still share a deep common desire, and that is to
see the art Shotokan Karate-Do and the basic underlying principles of Sensei
Gichin Funakoshi, spread to all corners of the globe. Funakoshi was the
formal head of the organization, with Sensei Masatoshi Nakayama appointed as
Chief Instructor.
Famous Quotes of Gichin Funakoshi
先生, 首席師範 ,
is important that karate can be practiced by the young and old, men and women
alike. That is, since there is no need for a special training place, equipment,
or an opponent, a flexibility in training is provided such that the physically
and spiritually weak individual can develop his body and mind so gradually and
naturally that he himself may not even realize his own great progress.
strives internally to train the mind to develop a clear conscience, enabling
one to face the world honestly, while externally developing strength to the
point where one may overcome even ferocious wild animals. Mind and technique
become one in true karate.
you look at life think in terms of karate. But remember that karate is not only
karate -- it is life.
search for the old is to understand the new. The old, the new, this is a matter
of time. In all things man must have a clear mind. The Way: Who will pass it on
straight and well?
is a technique that permits one to defend himself with his bare hands and fists
without weapons.
as it is the clear mirror that reflects without distortion, or the quiet valley
that echoes a sound, so must one who would study Karate-Do purge himself of
selfish and evil thoughts, for only with a clear mind and conscience can he
understand that which he receives.
who would study Karate-Do must always strive to be inwardly humble and
outwardly gentle. However, once he has decided to stand up for the cause of
justice, then he must have the courage expressed in the saying, "Even if
it must be ten million foes, I go!" Thus, he is like the green bamboo
stalk: hollow (kara) inside, straight, and with knots, that is, unselfish,
gentle, and moderate.
are many kinds of martial arts, Judo, Kendo, Aikido, Jujitsu, etc at a
fundamental level these arts rest on the same basis. It is no exaggeration to
say that the original sense of Karate-Do is at one with the basis of all
martial arts. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form itself. The kara of
Karate-Do means this.
correct understanding of Karate and its proper use is Karate-do. One who truly
trains in this do [way] and actually understands Karate-do is never easily
drawn into a fight.
of any art, including Karate-do must never forget the cultivation of the mind
and the body.
win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the highest skill. To
subdue the enemy with out fighting is the highest skill.
ultimate aim of the art of karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the
perfection of the characters of its participants.
Kihon is a Japanese term meaning
"basics" or "fundamentals." The term is used to refer to
the basic techniques that are taught and practiced as the foundation of most Japanese martial arts.
practice and mastery of kihon is essential to all advanced training, and
includes the practice of correct body form and breathing, while practicing
basics such as stances, punches, kicks, blocks, and thrusts, but it also
includes basic representative kata.
is not only practicing of techniques, it is also the karateka fostering the
correct spirit and attitude at all times.
techniques tend to be practiced often, in many cases during each practice
When the JKA was formed, M. Nakayama laid down 27 kata as the kata syllabus for this organization. Even today, thousands of Shotokan dojo only practice 26 of these 27 kata. The standard JKA kata are: Taikyoku shodan (sometimes termed Kata Kihon or Kihon Kata, the name has been discontinued in some Shotokan dojos) (太極初段), Heian shodan (平安初段), Heian nidan (平安二段), Heian sandan (平安三段), Heian yondan (平安四段), Heian godan (平安五段), Bassai dai (披塞大), Jion (慈恩), Enpi (燕飛), Kanku dai (観空大), Hangetsu (半月), Jitte (十手), Gankaku (岩鶴), Tekki shodan (鉄騎初段), Tekki nidan (鉄騎二段), Tekki sandan (鉄騎三段), Nijūshiho (二十四步), Chinte (珍手), Sōchin (壯鎭), Meikyō/Rōhai (明鏡), Unsu (雲手), Bassai shō (披塞小), Kankū shō (観空小), Wankan (王冠), Gojūshiho shō (五十四歩小), Gojūshiho dai (五十四歩大), and Ji'in (慈陰).
When the JKA was formed, M. Nakayama laid down 27 kata as the kata syllabus for this organization. Even today, thousands of Shotokan dojo only practice 26 of these 27 kata. The standard JKA kata are: Taikyoku shodan (sometimes termed Kata Kihon or Kihon Kata, the name has been discontinued in some Shotokan dojos) (太極初段), Heian shodan (平安初段), Heian nidan (平安二段), Heian sandan (平安三段), Heian yondan (平安四段), Heian godan (平安五段), Bassai dai (披塞大), Jion (慈恩), Enpi (燕飛), Kanku dai (観空大), Hangetsu (半月), Jitte (十手), Gankaku (岩鶴), Tekki shodan (鉄騎初段), Tekki nidan (鉄騎二段), Tekki sandan (鉄騎三段), Nijūshiho (二十四步), Chinte (珍手), Sōchin (壯鎭), Meikyō/Rōhai (明鏡), Unsu (雲手), Bassai shō (披塞小), Kankū shō (観空小), Wankan (王冠), Gojūshiho shō (五十四歩小), Gojūshiho dai (五十四歩大), and Ji'in (慈陰).
The next level of kumite is freestyle one-step
sparring (jiyu ippon kumite). This type of kumite, and its successor—free
sparring, have been documented extensively by Nakayama and are expanded upon by
the JKA instructor trainee program, for those clubs under the JKA. Freestyle
one-step sparring is similar to one-step sparring but requires the karateka to
be in motion. Practicing one-step sparring improves free sparring (jiyu kumite)
skills, and also provides an opportunity for practicing major counter-attacks
(as opposed to minor counter-attacks). Tsutomu
states that freestyle one-step sparring is the most realistic practice in
Shotokan Karate, and that it is more realistic than free sparring.
Free sparring (or free style) (jiyu kumite)
is the last element of sparring learned. In this exercise, two training
partners are free to use any karate technique or combination of attacks, and
the defender at any given moment is free to avoid, block, counter, or attack
with any karate technique. Training partners are encouraged to make controlled
and focused contact with their opponent, but to withdraw their attack as soon
as surface contact has been made. This allows attacking a full range of target
areas (including punches and kicks to the face, head, throat, and body) with no
padding or protective gloves, but maintains a degree of safety for the
Throwing one's partner and performing takedown (grappling) are permitted
in free sparring, but it is unusual for competition matches to involve extended grappling or ground-wrestling, as Shotokan karateka are encouraged to end an encounter with a single attack (ippon), avoiding extended periods of conflict, or unnecessary contact in situations where there may be more than one attacker.
Throwing one's partner and performing takedown (grappling) are permitted
in free sparring, but it is unusual for competition matches to involve extended grappling or ground-wrestling, as Shotokan karateka are encouraged to end an encounter with a single attack (ippon), avoiding extended periods of conflict, or unnecessary contact in situations where there may be more than one attacker.
of the instructors and trainees at the Tokyo JKA HQ:
Chief Instructor / General Manager of Technical Division
General Manager of Technical Division
General Manager of Technical Division
General Manager of Technical Division
Director / General Manager of Foreign Affairs Division
Manager of Temporary Personnel Division
Manager of Gen. Affairs Division
Manager of PR Division
Manager of Guidance Division
Manager of Personnel Division
Manager of Personnel Division
Manager of System Administration Division (Planning)
Manager of Gen. Accounting Division
Affairs Division
Accounting division
Affairs Division
Administration Division (Planning)
The 7 Points of Kime (focus)
To be self-confident.
Use correct technique.
Use high power.
Have concentration of mind.
Move high speed.
Have will power.
Please watch this video. This video involves ancient Karate tournament videos and photos and how I punched a candle flame out with used KIME (focus).
Please watch this video. This video involves ancient Karate tournament videos and photos and how I punched a candle flame out with used KIME (focus).
a quick (High speed), powerful punch, kick, and strike are fundamental to becoming a good karate master. It
starts with perfecting your form and using your whole body, not just your arm,
to generate force.
E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light in a vacuum. Since then, E=mc2 has become one of the most famous equations in the world. Even people with no background in physics have at least heard of the equation and are aware of its prodigious influence on the world we live in.
The amount of KE (kinetic energy) of the hand/forearm when in motion (or the amount of energy that the hand/forearm can impart to the board) is proportional to the square of its velocity; that is why the key ingredient to breaking the board is to have the hand/forearm moving at a high velocity.
Don’t forget relaxed your body and mind, will power, self confidence, impact, ability of focusing, concentration of power, speed, tense and solid to increase mass. Therefore the purpose of tensing the muscles of the body on impact is to increase the effective mass of the technique.
There is a compromise which assures that maximum momentum (mass x velocity) is available upon impact with target. Depending on the target and the strategy, various proportions of mass and velocity may be selected to contribute to produce large momentum.
This is the essence of "focus 決め(焦点) Kime."
Funakoshi wrote the Niju Kun (Twenty Precepts) to help karate students transform
their art into a way of life. Each line contains superficial meaning as well as
deeper truth that could take a lifetime to fully understand. The original
Japanese text is terse and meant to be thought provoking. Accordingly, English
translations vary with individual interpretation. Below is a synthesis of a
number of these interpretations.
2. There is no first
attack (move) in karate. (In karate the initiative does not exist).
3. Karate is a great
assistance (an aid) to justice.
4. First you must know
(control) yourself, then you can know (control) others.
5. Spirit is more important
than technique.
6. Always be ready to
release your mind.
7. Misfortunes arise out
of negligence (laziness).
8. Do not think that
karate training is only in the dojo.
9. It will take your
entire life to learn karate.
10. Put your everyday
living into karate (put karate into everything you do) and you will find
"myo" (the subtle secrets, the ideal state of existence, exquisite
11. Karate is like hot
water; if you do not heat it constantly, it will again become cool water.
12. Do not think about winning;
think rather that you do not have to lose.
13. Move (change)
according to (depending on) your opponent. (Victory depends on your ability to
distinguish vulnerable points from invulnerable ones.)
14. The secret of combat
resides in the art of directing it (clever fighting, trying every strategy).
15. Think of the hands and
feet as swords.
16. When you leave home,
think that you have numerous opponents waiting for you. (It is your behavior
that invites trouble from them.)
17. Beginners must master
basic stances; natural body positions are for the advanced.
18. Practicing karate
correctly is one thing; engaging in a real fight is another.
19. Do not forget to
correctly apply: light and heavy application of power, expansion and
contraction of the body, and slowness and speed of techniques.
20. Devise at all times.
(Always think and devise ways to live the Precepts every day.)
先生と首席師範 Senior Masters
先生 Yoshitaka Funakoshi
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1906 -1945
During his short life
his impact on Shotokan Karate was truly profound.
He was amongst other
things, responsible for the introduction of new ways of kicking. These methods
included, mawashi geri, yoko geri kekomi, yoko geri keage, fumikomi, and ushiro
geri. Although small in stature by Western standards Sensei Yoshitaka was a
very powerful individual. By using all of his body weight, and introducing the
full extension of the hip, he gave us a more dynamic way of creating power
while at the same time adding a greater range to all these methods of kicking.
In addition, the low
stances that today characterize the modern Shotokan style came about as a
direct result of Sensei Yoshitaka's training methods, as well he established
the fundamental kumite methods we use today such as, Ippon Kumite, Jiyu Ippon
Kumite, and Gobon kumite along with other fighting techniques. There is simply
no telling where our basics and katas would be today had he lived to an old
The kata Wankan is said
to have been created by him and that it's short duration, only twenty
movements, is due to the fact that he never was able to complete the kata. His
death in 1945 was a great loss not only to his family, but also to the future
of Shotokan karate.
先生と首席師範 Masatoshi Nakayama, 10th Dan, JKA
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April 6, 1913 - April 15, 1987 |
Masatoshi Nakayama 先生 is known today as the most famous student to
have trained directly under Master Gichin Funakoshi. Masatoshi Nakayama (中山正敏 初代首席師範) Nakayama Masatoshi,
April 13, 1913 – April 15, 1987) was an internationally renowned Japanese master of Shotokan karate. He helped
establish the Japan
Karate Association
(JKA) in 1949. Instrumental in the founding of the in 1949 Master Nakayama is also best known for the introduction of
more scientific ways of training and for the JKA's decision to send JKA
instructors overseas to Hawaii and Europe starting in the 1960's in order to
spread the art of Shotokan Karate beyond the shores of Japan.

while alive, and was posthumously
awarded the rank of 10th dan.
The author of a great many books on the subject of Shotokan Karate
these publications are today still considered as essential reading on the
subject for any serious student. Master Nakayama was the Chief Instructor of
the JKA from 1955 until his death on April 15, 1987. With his passing the world
of Shotokan lost one of its few remaining direct links to the Founder, and Father
of Shotokan Karate, Sensei Gichin Funakoshi.
(Myint Kywe was one of the karate instructors who received karate
training directly under Master Masatoshi Nakayama in 1981)
先生と首席師範 Hidetaka Nishiyama, 10th Dan, ITKF
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November 21,
1928 - November 7, 2008
Born in Tokyo in 1928, Sensei Hidetaka Nishiyama was one of the very few
instructors who began karate training directly under Master Gichin Funakoshi,
which he did in 1943 at the original Shoto Kan dojo. Two years later he
enrolled in Takushoku University where he joined the karate team ultimately
becoming Team Captain.
A co-founder and member of the Board
of Directors of the Japan Karate Association (JKA) Sensei Nishiyama was also
the co-founder of the All Japan Collegiate Karate Federation, and was elected
its first chairman. Also an author, his book "Karate, The art of Empty Hand Fighting", is one
of the most popular books ever written on the art of Shotokan Karate.

先生と首席師範 Teruyuki Okazaki, 10th Dan, ISKF
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June 22, 1931 -
Sensei Teruyuki Okazaki was born in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, and he
began his karate training at the age of sixteen when he entered Takushoku
University in 1948. For the next ten years he would remain a direct student of
Sensei Gichin Funakoshi, the Founder of Shotokan Karate, until Sensei
Funakoshi's death in 1957.
After Sensei Funakoshi's
death Sensei Okazaki came under the guidance of Sensei Matsatoshi Nakayama,
whom he assisted for many years, during which he was instrumental in the
establishment of tournament rules and much of the curriculum for the then
fledgling JKA'S Instructors Program. The first three graduates of that program
were Sensei Mikami, Sensei Kanazawa and Sensei Takaura.

先生と首席師範 Taiji Kase, 9th Dan, WKSA
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February 9,
1929 - November 24, 2004
After the end of the
World War II Sensei Kase continued to train at university, he joined the
fledgling Japan Karate Association (JKA) in 1950 becoming a Director. In
addition he was responsible for teaching the first post war generation of
international instructors Sensei's Kanazawa, Sensei Enoeda, and Sensei Shirai.
Sensei Kase remained a
member of the JKA until 1989 at which time he co-founded with Sensei Hiroshi
Shirai and organization known as, the World Shotokan Karate-Do Academy (WKSA)
which focused on returning to the teachings of his teacher Sensei Yoshitaka
Funakoshi. The WSKA currently restricts the members of its organization to 3rd
Dan and above. Sensei Kase's recent passing is a great loss to the world wide
Shotokan family. For additional information on Sensei
Kase please visit the WSKA web site at http://www.leicesterkarateclub.co.uk/imprintofamaster.htm .
先生と首席師範 Hirokazu Kanazawa, 10th Dan, SKIF
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May 3, 1931 -
Born in Iwate Prefecture in Japan in 1931, Shihan Hirokazu Kanazawa is one of the best known and most widely respected Shotokan karate Masters in the world today.
Shihan Kanazawa's karate was honed
during his time at Takushoku University, after graduating he joined the JKA in
1956 becoming a direct student of Sensei Masatoshi
Nakayama, and he became one of the first graduates of the Japan Karate
Associations legendary Instructors Training Program.
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M. Nakayama and Kanazawa |
In 1977 in a surprising move Shihan
Kanzawa left the JKA and formed his own organization the Shotokan Karate
International Federation (SKIF). Shihan Kanzawa is currently ranked 10th Dan
and is the only living Shotokan Master to currently hold this rank. For
additional information on Shihan Kanazawa please visit the SKIF web site at http://www.skif.jp/index-e.htm.
先生と首席師範 Keinosuke Enoeda, 9th Dan
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July 4, 1935 - March 29,
After enrolling in
Takushoku University he joined the karate club, within two years of joining he
had earned the rank of Shodan, and he ultimately went on to become the club
Captain. After graduating from university he entered the JKA'S Instructor
Program where he was to spend the next three years under the watchful eye of
Sensei Matsatoshi Nakayama.
As a top competitor, and
JKA Champion, Sensei Enoeda become known as the "Tiger of Shotokan" a
name that would one day be known worldwide.
Sent overseas to the
United Kingdom in 1965 he settled in Liverpool, where he was to set the tone
for English Shotokan karate that was to last for the next forty years. Today
the Karate Union of Great Britain continues his legacy. Sensei Enoeda's recent
passing is another great loss for the world wide Shotokan family. For additional information on Sensei Enoeda please visit the
KUGB web site at http://www.kugb.org/profiles/profiles_enoeda.html .
先生と首席師範 Kenneth Funakoshi, 9th Dan
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4, 1937 -
Shihan Kenneth Funakoshi, Founder and Chief Instructor of the Funakoshi Shotokan
Karate Association, started judo training in 1948 under Arakaki Sensei at the
Fort Gakuen Japanese Language School in Honolulu, Hawaii. He attended
Farrington High School in the Kalihi District and was on the football team and
captain of the Territory of Hawaii (Hawaii was not a state yet) Championship
swim team. While attending the University of Hawaii on a swimming scholarship
Funakoshi Sensei started Kempo training under Adriano Emperado from 1956 to
In 1960, Shihan Funakoshi started
Shotokan training when the Japan Karate Association (JKA) assigned its first
Grand Champion, Sensei Hirokazu Kanazawa, to teach at the Karate Association of
Hawaii, Shihan Funakoshi remained a student of Sensei Kanazawa's for the next
three years. Then from 1963-1966 Shihan Funakoshi trained under Sensei Masataka
Mori, another instructor from the JKA. Finally from 1966 to 1969, he trained
under the third and last instructor sent by the JKA, the legendary Sensei
Tetsuhiko Asai, another former Grand Champion from Japan.
In 1969, after training ten years under
three of Japan's top Shotokan instructors and then winning the Grand
Championship of the Karate Association of Hawaii for five years in a row
(1964-1968), Shihan Funakoshi was appointed as the Chief Instructor for the
Karate Association of Hawaii.
Shihan Funakoshi moved to San Jose,
California to teach karate in December 1986. In 1987, the non-political
Funakoshi Shotokan Karate Association was founded with its world headquarters
now in Milpitas, California and the organization now has affiliates throughout
the United States, Canada, England, Ireland, Europe, Russia, Mexico, and many
other countries around the world. For additional information on Shihan
Funakoshi please visit the FSKA web site at http://www.fska.com/ .
先生と首席師範 Yutaka Yaguchi, 9th Dan, ISKF
Born in Hiroshima, Japan
in 1932, Sensei Yaguchi is another of the very few remaining masters to have
trained under the Founder of Shotokan karate, Master Gichin Funakoshi's. In
addition to grading for his first and second Dan under Master Funakoshi, Sensei
Yaguchi was also one of the first of many to graduate from the legendary JKA
Instructors Training Program. As strong competitor Sensei Yaguchi placed third
in the kumite at the 1963 JKA All Japan Championship.
The first JKA instructor
to be sent to the United States by Sensei Nakayama in 1964, today Sensei
Yaguchi is the Chief Instructor, Mountain States Region of ISKF in Colorado,
U.S.A. an organization founded by Sensei Teruyuki Okazaki, 9th Dan, in 1977 and
affiliated with the JKA. For additional information on Sensei
Yaguchi please visit the ISKF web site at http://www.uniques.com/shotokan/ .
先生と首席師範 Mikio Yahara, 9th Dan, KWF
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April 4, 1947 -
Sensei Yahara is today
the Chief Instructor of the, Karate-no-michi World Federation, an organization
he founded with Sensei Akihito Isaka, 8th Dan,
with the aim of creating truly effective karate. A
firm believer that karate must return to its original source and be a true
reflection of Budo, Sensei Yahara trains with the constant goal of perfecting
his technical skill. For additional information on Sensei Yahara please
visit the KWF web site at http://nunokwf.planetaclix.pt/mikio_yahara_sensei_e.htm .
先生と首席師範 Shirai, 10th Dan, ITKF
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July 31, 1937
A former instructor with the JKA and
a former JKA champion Sensei Shirai has lived in Italy since 1965 and is
currently the head of the Technical Committee of the International Traditional
Karate Federation (ITKF) and is joined on this committee by Sensei Masao
Kawasoe, 8th Dan, the overall head of the ITKF is Sensei Hidetaka Nishiyama.
For additional information on Sensei Shirai please visit the ITKF web site at http://www.dtkv.de/trainer/shirai.htm .
先生と首席師範 Hideo Ochi, 8th Dan, JKA
February 28,
1940 -
An active competitor he Sensei Ochi
is also a former All Japan Grand Champion placing first on numerous occasions.
In 1970 Sensei Ochi was sent overseas to Germany to join Sensei
Kanzawa. In 1993 he formed his own organization Deutche Japan Karate Bund (DJKB) to help return German karate to more traditional roots and away from sport karate which was becoming ever more prevalent in that country.
Kanzawa. In 1993 he formed his own organization Deutche Japan Karate Bund (DJKB) to help return German karate to more traditional roots and away from sport karate which was becoming ever more prevalent in that country.
In 1997 he was awarded the German
Medal of Honor for his contributions to the development of German Karate. For
additional information on Sensei Ochi please visit the following web site at http://www.deutscher-jka-karate-bund.de/index-eng.htm .
Kyokushin style
A new form of karate called Kyokushin was formally founded in 1957 by Masutatsu Oyama (who was born a Korean, Choi Yeong-Eui 최영의).
Kyokushin is largely a synthesis of Shotokan 松濤館流
and Gōjū-ryū
剛柔流 . It teaches a curriculum that emphasizes aliveness, physical toughness, and full contact sparring. Because of its emphasis on physical, full-force sparring, Kyokushin is now often called "full contact karate", or "Knockdown karate" (after the name for its competition rules).
剛柔流 . It teaches a curriculum that emphasizes aliveness, physical toughness, and full contact sparring. Because of its emphasis on physical, full-force sparring, Kyokushin is now often called "full contact karate", or "Knockdown karate" (after the name for its competition rules).
Masutatsu Oyama, the founder of the largest Karate
organization started and established Bare-knuckle, Full-contact tournament
system one of the top authoritative and influential figures in the world of
Martial Arts history one of the pioneers in spreading the Asian Martial Arts to
the West and to all over the world ever pursuing, ever a practitioner, he is
recognized to be reached to the level of the true Mastery.
The kanji (Japanese characters) calligraphy,
worn universally on the front of the gi, simply means "Kyokushinkai",
which is the name given by Sosai Mas Oyama to the karate style he
created. It is composed of three characters:
Kyoku meaning "Ultimate".
Shin meaning "Truth" or "Reality".
Kai meaning "Society" or
current World Headquarters were officially opened in June 1964, where the name Kyokushin,
meaning "Ultimate truth" was adopted. In the same year the
International Karate Organization (IKO) was established. From then, Kyokushin
continued to spread to more than 120 countries, and registered members exceed
10 million making it one of the largest martial arts organisations in the
Oyama's Brief History
27th, 1923, born in Southern Korea.
- becomes student under Master Gichin Funakoshi of Shotokan Karate(松濤館流 ).
- enters the mountain for training.
- becomes the champion of All Japan Karate-do Tournament.
He studies Goju-ryu Karate (剛柔流
) extensively under
Master Gogen Yamaguchi, and becomes Vice Chairman in the organization, holding
9th Dan degree.
- enters the mountain alone for 18 months of training.
- starts training against the live bulls, living beside the cattle butchery.
Out of 47 bulls, 4 killed in instant.
- visits America for Karate instructions and demonstrations in 32 locations.
Has 7 times of real matches.
- visits America, he fights against a bull in Chicago, where he breaks its horn
by Shuto strike (knife hand).
- goes all around South America and Europe with Bepford Davy, President of
Chrysler Corp. He fights numerous mix matches.
- starts small Oyama Dojo at an old ballet studio.
- fights against a bull in Mexico City.
- January, publishes "What is Karate" which becomes a best
seller of 500,000 copies.
September, invited by FBI in Washington D.C.
for Karate instructions and demonstrations.
October, invited by West Point Military Academy for Karate instructions and demonstrations.
- Thai Boxing challenges Karate-do, where Oyama Dojo alone accepts. 3 matches 2
- though a popular comic book series "Karate Baka Ichidai,"
and the movie "World's Strongest Karate" in 1975, his name and of
Kyokushin become known all over Japan.
- helds Kyokushin Kai's First World Karate-do Open Tournament.
26, 1994. Dies of lung cancer at the age of 70.
addition to described above, he visits elsewhere researching and fighting real
matches against other Martial Arts of the world. Kyokushin as the largest
Karate organization, he has students numbered 12,000,000 in 140 nations
worldwide. He is also noted for starting the Full-Contact, Bare-Knuckle
tournament system.
先生と首席師範 Sosai Masutatsu Oyama
10th Dan
Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994)
Masutatsu Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin Karate was born on July 12, 1923 in Korea. He lived on his sister's farm in Manchuria from infancy until age 12, during this time he studied Kung-Fu. Returning to Korea, he continued his martial arts training, then travelled to Japan in 1938. He trained in various martial arts disciplines in Japan earning his second degree (nidan) black belt in karate at age 17, and fourth degree (yondan) at age 20. The progress he made in his studies of Judo were equally astounding, achieving the rank of yondan in less than four years.
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Mas Oyama then imposed on himself a further period of solitary training, again in the mountains, and upon his return, demonstrated his remarkable ability by fighting bulls. He fought a total of 52 bulls, killing three and breaking the horns off 49 others.
His fame as a karateka spread rapidly as his
feats were unparalled and in 1954 he opened his first dojo in Tokyo, Japan.
This dojo was the beginning of the Kyokushin KaiKan. In 1964, the Tokyo Honbu
(headquarters) was officially opened and the International Karate Organization
(IKO) was established. Today, the IKO, headed by Kancho Shokei Matsui, is the
largest karate organization in the world with over twelve million members in
135 countries.
General Terms of Karate
karate – empty hand
karate do - empty handed way
shihan - master
sensei - teacher
sempai - senior student
kohai - junior student
dojo - training hall
obi - belt
seiza - kneel
mokuso - meditate
rei - bow
yoi - ready
hajime - begin
yame - stop
naote - relax
hidari - left
migi - right
jodan - upper
chudan - middle
gedan - lower
dachi - stance
zuki - punch
uchi - strike
uke - block
geri - kick
tai sabaki - body shifting
yori ashi - foot shifting
kazama zuki - jab
choku zuki - straight punch
oi zuki - lunge punch
gyaku zuki - reverse punch
yama zuki - mountain punch
yoko zuki - side punch
shita zuki - inverted punch
ippon ken - one knuckle strike
uraken - back fist
tetsui - hammer fist
empi uchi - elbow strike
nukite-zuki - spear hand strike
shuto - knife hand
shuto-zuki - sword hand strike
jodan age uke - upper rising block
jodan tetsui zuki - upper hammer fist
gedan uke - lower block
kake wake uke - reverse wedge block
haishu-uke - back hand block
soto uke - inward middle block
uchi uke - outward middle block
morote uke - augmented block
teisho oshi uke - pressing palm heal block
shuto-uke - sword hand block
juji-uke - X block
zenkutsu dachi - front stance
kokutsu dachi - back stance
kiba dachi - horse stance
fudo dachi - rooted stance
neko ashi dachi - cat stance
hangetsu dachi - hourglass stance
hiza geri - knee strike
mae geri - front kick
yoko geri keage - side snap kick
yoko geri kekomi - side thrust kick
fumakomi - stomp kick
mika zuki geri - crescent kick
mawashi geri - round kick
tobi geri - jump kick
ni mae geri - double front kick
ushiro geri kekomi - back thrust kick
gedan-barai - down block
chudan oi zuki - middle lunge punch
chudan uchi uke - inside outward block
tetsui zuki - hammer fist strike
shuto uke - sword hand block
shuto zuki - sword hand strike
tai-sabaki - body shifting
jodan oi zuki - upper lunge punch
jodan age uke - upper rising block
yoko geri keage - side snapping kick
mae geri keage - front snapping kick
chudan uraken - middle back fist
chudan nukite zuki - middle spear hand strike
chudan gyaku zuki - middle reverse punch
morote chudan uchi uke - augmented middle inside outward block
jodan soto uke - upper forearm strike
morote gedan uchi uke - augmented lower inside outward block
morote shita zuki - augmented upper inverted punch
chudan teisho yoko uke - middle side palm heel block
chudan yoko zuki - middle side punch
ni jodan shita zuki - double inverted upper punch
chudan tsukami uke - middle grasping block
chudan osae uke - middle pressing block
chudan mae empi uchi - middle forward elbow strike
chudan keito uke - middle chicken head block
hitosashiyubi gedan nukite - lower index finger spear hand
shuto gedan barai - lower sword hand strike
washide jodan uchi - upper eagle strike
jodan mae geri keage - upper front snapping kick
chudan uraken - middle back fist
chudan hiza geri - middle knee strike
chudan mika zuki geri - middle crescent kick
chudan mawashi zuki - middle round house punch
jodan shuto juji uke - upper open hand X block
ni yoko chudan zuki - double middle side punch
chudan-tate-shuto-uchi-uke -middle level vertical inside outward
sword hand block
chudan choku zuki - middle straight punch
ni jodan uke - double rising block
hidari ashi dachi - left legged stance
chudan uchi otoshi - middle falling block
jodan yoko uchi barai - upper side sweeping block
sho koko bo uke - tiger mouth block
chudan oi zuki maeude hineri - middle lunge punch with turning forearm
jodan tate mawashi uchi - upper vertical roundhouse strike
naname shita ni oshinobasu - double downward oblique push
gedan gassho uke - lower double palm heel block
sankaku tobi - triangle jump
chudan nakadaka ippon ken - middle one knuckle strike
jodan age nihon nukite-zuki - upper two finger spear hand strike
haishu uke - back hand block
Why you should learn karate?
Karate is not about violence: It's about self-defence
(self protection), health and sport.
Karate is suitable for men, women, adults, teenagers, children, and all ages from ages 4 to 75. Karate relaxes the
body and mind.
Karate is a good family activity as well as a good
personal activity.
There is no first
attack to other in karate.
Karate stands on the
side of justice.
Make response just
need a small adjustments according to your opponent.
Most educated people associate karate with
discipline. This is because of the format in which the classes are taught. In
karate there is a ranking system which lets people know where they stand.
Karate doesn't have to be militaristic to the point it was originally intended
(after all it is a martial art developed to defend ones' life) but these values
are instilled.
はじめに There are three components to
Shotokan karate training: 基本 kihon
形, kata,
and 組手 kumite. Each plays a crucial role
to the development of karate skills. While particular teachers and particular
training sessions may emphasize some (or only one) components, none of them can
be neglected in the course of one's training.
基本 Kihon is the practice of
fundamental techniques: blocking, punching, striking, and kicking. These
techniques are the beginning and end of karate -- a karateka
(practitioner of karate) may learn them in a matter of months, yet fail to
master them after a life's worth of training. Hence, basic techniques demand
regular practice, applied with as much concentration and effort as possible.
According to the late Sensei Masatoshi Nakayama, the karateka
must practice kihon with the following in mind:
フォーム Balance and stability are necessary to
basic techniques. Kicking -- in which one leg supports the entire body -- is an
example of technique that depends on the karateka's sense of balance. Karate
movements involve shifting the body's center of gravity, which demands good
balance and control of the body. In addition, the karateka requires stable
joints, stances, and posture to deliver (or withstand) maximum impact in (or
from) a blow.
力とスピード Karate would be meaningless without kime,
the ability to concentrate the greatest amount of force at the point of attack
(or block). Those with great muscular strength do not excel at karate, if they
never learn to use their muscles to the greatest effect. The karateka who
excels, does so by maximizing her muscular power through kime. In addition, the
karateka's power is directly related to the speed of her techniques. However,
speed is ineffective without proper control.
力の集中と脱力 The karateka cannot generate maximum power
if her punches rely on the arm's muscles alone, or her kicks on the leg's
muscles alone. The greatest level of power comes from concentrating all of the
karateka's strength, from every part of the body, on the target. In addition,
the karateka must generate power efficiently, using power when and where it is
needed. Maximum power is required only at the point of impact. Until then, the
karateka should stay relaxed and avoid generating unnecessary power. By tensing
the wrong parts of the body or tensing at the wrong time, the karateka only
diminishes the amount of power that goes into her block or attack. While she is
relaxed, the karateka should stay mentally alert.
筋肉強化について The
karateka must not only understand the principles of kihon, she must give them
effect with strong, elastic muscles. Strong muscles demand constant, earnest
training. They also require the karateka to know which muscles to use in her
techniques: well-trained muscles will lead to strong and effective karate.
リズムとタイミング Karate
has its own rhythm that karateka should come to recognize and understand. No
technique takes place in isolation; in combining basic techniques, the karateka
should pay attention to the timing of her techniques as well as the techniques
themselves. A master karateka's movements not only contain a great deal of
power but also rhythm and, in their own way, beauty. A sense of rhythm and
timing will help the karateka understand the techniques and the art in general.
腰 The hips are a crucial, yet oft-neglected component in
executing karate techniques. Hip rotation adds power to the upper body, and is
thus essential to strong blocks and punches. The hips' proximity to the body's
center of gravity make them the foundation of strong, stable movements, good
balance, and proper form. The karateka cannot move as smoothly, quickly, or
powerfully if the hips are passive. For this reason, teachers often remind
their students to "block with your hips," "punch with your
hips," and "kick from your hips."
呼吸法 The karateka should coordinate breathing
with her techniques. Breathing enhances the karateka's ability to relax and
concentrate maximum power in her techniques. Correct breathing -- fully
exhaling when finishing a strike, for example -- is necessary to developing
kime. The karateka should not breathe in a uniform manner; her breathing should
change with the situation. Proper inhaling fills the lungs completely. Proper
exhaling leaves the lungs about 20 percent full -- exhaling completely makes
the body limp, leaving the karateka vulnerable to even a weak attack.
形・型 The kata are formal exercises which
combine basic karate techniques -- blocking, punching, striking, and kicking --
into a series of predetermined movements. Kata combines offensive and defensive
techniques, proper body movement, and changes in direction. The kata teach the
karateka to dispose of numerous attackers from at least four directions.
Although the kata do not involve visible opponents, the karateka, through
serious study of the kata, learns the art of self-defense and the ability to
calmly and efficiently deal with dangerous situations. For these reasons, the
kata have been the core of karate training since ancient times.
Ten Precepts of karate
Abstaining from killing
Abstaining from stealing
Abstaining from sexual misconduct
Abstaining from lying
Abstaining from taking intoxicant
Abstaining from malice
Abstaining from arrogance
Abstaining from anger
Abstaining from hatred
Abstaining from bullying
According to Sensei Nakayama, there are five characteristics of kata:
For each kata, there are a fixed number of movements.
(The basic Heian
kata have 20 to 27 movements; advanced kata can have over 60.) One must perform
the movements in the correct order.
One must begin and end the kata at the same point
on the floor. Each kata has its own "shape" -- depending on the kata,
the karateka may move along a straight line or a "T"- or
"I"-shaped formation.
3. There are kata that all karateka must learn, and kata that are
optional. The former consist of the five Heian kata and three Tekki
kata. (Today, Tekki 2 and Tekki 3 are usually optional.) The
optional kata are Bassai-dai (although most brown belts practice this
for their black belt exam) and Bassai-sho , Kanku-dai and Kanku-sho,
Empi, Hangetsu, Jitte,
Gankaku, Jion. Other kata include Meikyo, Chinte, Nijushiho,
Gojushiho-dai and Gojushiho-sho, Hyakuhachiho, Sanchin,
Tensho, Unsu, Sochin, Seienchin, Ji'in, and Wankan.
4. There are
three aspects to performing a dynamic kata: (1) correct use of power; (2)
correct speed of movement, be it fast or slow; (3) expansion and contraction of
the body. The kata's beauty, power, and rhythm depend on these aspects.
One bows at the beginning and end of the kata.
Bowing is part of the kata, too.
組手 Kata and kumite are complementary
training methods. In kata, one learns basic techniques; in kumite, one applies
them with a sparring partner. The principles of kihon (see above) still apply
to kumite: the karateka must apply proper karate techniques, demonstrate
correct power and speed, and, above all, exercise good control -- contact is
prohibited. One must remember that, while kumite is a useful application of the
fundamentals learned through kata, it is not a substitute for kata.
There are three types of kumite: basic kumite, ippon
(one-step) kumite, and jiyu (free) kumite.
基本組手 consisting of five- or three-step sparring,
permits the karateka to cultivate basic blocking and attacking through
prearranged techniques. It is a useful introduction to sparring for beginning
一本組手 also involves basic, prearranged
techniques, but adds emphasis on body movements and proper distancing from the
自由組手 In Jiyu kumite techniques are not
prearranged. The karateka may freely engage her physical and mental powers, but
must strictly control her attacks -- contact is prohibited. The karateka must
be well-trained and disciplined enough to make a powerful blow that stops just
before it reaches its target. For these reasons, only advanced students may
practice jiyu kumite.
(Note: Most karateka
learn jiyu ippon kumite -- a combination of one-step and free sparring -- as
brown belts. In this semi-free form of sparring, both sides must use basic,
prearranged techniques, but may act according to their own rhythm and timing.
Jiyu ippon kumite often serves as a bridge between ippon and jiyu kumite.)
a person who enters a karate class will see that people will bow to each other,
call the instructor Sensei (teacher) and conform to the rules and guidelines
set forth by the club. This makes a person feel rather awkward themselves if
they don't conform to their surroundings. If there is a problem child or an
adult with an overbearing demeanor they will be dealt with on a personal level.
Most difficult people can be taught humility simply by being in an environment
where it is prominent.
is a physical and mental discipline of self-defense based on courtesy, respect,
humility, character, health, skill, patience (tolerance), and nonviolence.
Karate will always be a part
of my life.
JKA of New
York: Information about the dojo, 2007
Karate, Vol. 1, Masatoshi Nakayama.
Karate, Masatoshi Nakayama.